Take Your First Step

As a shop own­er you may be strug­gling to be prof­itable, or you are prof­itable but you are still work­ing way too much, or maybe you have reached a point in your jour­ney where you want to sell and retire. Regard­less of where you are on your jour­ney as a shop own­er we will get you to the des­ti­na­tion you are look­ing for.

Unsure where to start?

We rec­om­mend you start by get­ting in touch with us and telling us a lit­tle about your­self and your shop. Once we see if we are a good fit for each oth­er you want to take the SMART Course. This course will give you train­ing in all of the main sys­tems that get a shop to be prof­itable. It will give you all of the busi­ness basics with key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors as well as client reten­tion and mar­ket­ing. Then take the Busi­ness Results And Analy­sis Train­ing course, and then sign up for coach­ing. Each of these are build­ing blocks along the way that pay for them­selves as you imple­ment the training.

Why RPM Training?

With 25 years of own­ing and oper­at­ing shops and 16 years of train­ing and coach­ing shop own­ers, Mur­ray has expe­ri­enced and seen so much of what can go wrong and what can go right with your shop. He has helped hun­dreds of shop own­ers achieve the prof­itabil­i­ty, lifestyle, and busi­ness goals they have always dreamed of. Mur­ray has a unique abil­i­ty to help peo­ple see what they can accom­plish even if it seems impos­si­ble at first. All of the train­ing and coach­ing is very prac­ti­cal and real world and has a proven track record. 

Get in touch

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