RPM Service Advisor Mastermind Group Coaching

From Good to Great: The Service Advisor Mastery Group

Ele­vate Your Skills. Improve Your Shop. Increase Profitability.

Join a Community of High-Performing Automotive Service Advisors

🚗 Are you ready to take your ser­vice advi­sor skills to the next level?

The RPM Ser­vice Advi­sor Mas­ter­mind Group is your oppor­tu­ni­ty to refine your approach, enhance the client expe­ri­ence, and improve shop effi­cien­cy — all while increas­ing your shop’s profitability.

📅 Meets Month­ly | Led by Coach Jason Hladyniuk

💲Month­ly $495 and One-Time Fee of $150

Why Join?

  • Be Ready for Show Time” – Learn how to pre­pare for dai­ly client inter­ac­tions with confidence.
  • Enhance the Client Expe­ri­ence – Improve com­mu­ni­ca­tion, trust, and satisfaction.
  • Boost Shop Orga­ni­za­tion – Stream­line oper­a­tions to sup­port tech­ni­cians effectively.
  • Increase Gross Prof­it Dol­lars – Opti­mize pric­ing, effi­cien­cy, and KPIs for busi­ness growth.

Meet Your Coach: Jason Hladyniuk

Jason brings over two decades of expe­ri­ence in the auto­mo­tive indus­try, start­ing as a Ser­vice Advi­sor in 1998 before suc­cess­ful­ly launch­ing and man­ag­ing his own shop in 2009. His exper­tise spans:

🏆 Lead­er­ship & Busi­ness Growth – For­mer shop own­er and ser­vice man­ag­er, trained by indus­try men­tor Mur­ray Voth.

📈 Per­for­mance Improve­ment – Spear­head­ed dig­i­tal vehi­cle inspec­tions, ser­vice train­ing, and busi­ness opti­miza­tion.

💡 Proven Track Record – Recip­i­ent of the Busi­ness Award of Excel­lence for Com­mu­ni­ty Ser­vice (2011).

Jason’s pas­sion is empow­er­ing ser­vice advi­sors with the skills, mind­set, and strate­gies they need to excel in their roles and dri­ve busi­ness success.

Is This Mastermind Group for You?

✅ You want to increase your shop’s prof­itabil­i­ty.
✅ You’re ready to improve the client expe­ri­ence and build trust.
✅ You need bet­ter orga­ni­za­tion to sup­port tech­ni­cians effi­cient­ly.
✅ You val­ue expert coach­ing and indus­try insights to lev­el up your skills.

How to Join

1️⃣ Apply Now – Secure your spot in the RPM Ser­vice Advi­sor Mas­ter­mind Group.
2️⃣ Attend Month­ly Ses­sions – Gain valu­able insights, coach­ing, and strate­gies.
3️⃣ Take Action & See Results – Imple­ment what you learn and ele­vate your performance.

🚀 Lim­it­ed Spots Avail­able – Apply Today!

What You’ll Get

  • Month­ly 2 hour mas­ter­mind ses­sions with best prac­tice shar­ing, tai­lored to your needs and under­stand your shop’s performance
  • Per­son­al­ized 1 hour ses­sion each month with Jason. Get in-depth guid­ance tai­lored to your shop’s chal­lenges and goals
  • Access to proven strate­gies & tools from sea­soned expert
  • Lead­er­ship and per­for­mance coaching

Frequently Asked Questions?

We ask for a one year com­mit­ment because we find con­ti­nu­ity cre­ates high­er suc­cess rates. How­ev­er, we under­stand things hap­pen in life so we have a 60 day can­cel­la­tion pol­i­cy. Most of our coach­ing clients have been with us for more than three years. There is always new things to learn and more mon­ey to earn.

Each group mem­ber has a month­ly group coach­ing ses­sion for 2 hours. They also have a one hour indi­vid­ual coach­ing ses­sion with their coach. Of course, the more time you put into work­ing on your busi­ness, the more prof­its you will have and the less stress you will experience.

Murray Voth

About RPM Training

Let’s build the shop of your dreams!

Join me in the jour­ney to the results, per­for­mance, and mas­tery you have been look­ing for. You may have heard the expres­sion; it is all about the jour­ney and not the des­ti­na­tion. I think it is both. What is the des­ti­na­tion you have in mind? We can guide you in the jour­ney to that destination.

Learn more