Where are you in your journey as an automotive shop owner?

In business for 1 to 5 years

You’ve just start­ed your jour­ney, things are excit­ing, but you are spend­ing way too much time in the busi­ness for what you thought you would get out of it.

In business 6 to 10 years

You’ve come a long way, you have over­come many obsta­cles, but you just can’t find the time to get to the next lev­el because you are always putting out fires.

Established business

You are cruis­ing along, you are mak­ing some mon­ey, you have some flex­i­bil­i­ty, but you feel like time is tick­ing and you are begin­ning to think about what is next.


Creating results, performance, and mastery, one automotive shop owner at a time.

Do you own an auto­mo­tive shop but are not get­ting the results you expect­ed when you first went into busi­ness? We pro­vide the infor­ma­tion, process­es and coach­ing to help you build the life you always dreamed of.

Join one of our RPM Mas­ter­mind Groups and receive a unique blend of group and indi­vid­ual coach­ing. The ben­e­fit of inter­act­ing with your peers com­bined with tai­lored indi­vid­ual sessions.

Virtual Training

Reg­is­ter for one of our live and inter­ac­tive online cours­es. These sig­na­ture cours­es will set the foun­da­tion for build­ing the shop of your dreams.

Self-Guided Courses

Sub­scribe to our self-guid­ed record­ed con­tent, either one course at a time or as a bun­dle. These cours­es can be tak­en at your con­ve­nience and come with down­load­able course material.


See what our students say about our training

Mur­ray is very engag­ing and knowl­edge­able — very astute and capa­ble of ana­lyz­ing most every sit­u­a­tion pre­sent­ed — EXCELLENT!
Dave Macko
Armstong Macko Automotive
Dear­est Mur­ray, A huge thank-you for all that you have taught us over the past years. You have made a huge impact on Audrey’s Auto Repair — NAPA AUTO­PRO’s growth and pros­per­i­ty! Mur­ray, you real­ly have a gift of speak­ing one-on-one, in small groups and to large audi­ences as well. We have sure enjoyed all your class­es and time spent con­vers­ing at lunch­es, etc. The world is a bet­ter place with you teach­ing in it!! Thank-you again for help­ing our com­pa­ny grow as well as us as a team!!
Audrey G. & Tanya L.
Audrey's Auto Repair - Napa AutoPro
Clients that rely on our training

Murray Voth

About RPM Training

Let’s build the shop of your dreams!

Join me in the jour­ney to the results, per­for­mance, and mas­tery you have been look­ing for. You may have heard the expres­sion; it is all about the jour­ney and not the des­ti­na­tion. I think it is both. What is the des­ti­na­tion you have in mind? We can guide you in the jour­ney to that destination.

Learn more
Free Course

Start your jour­ney with our free course

Start your jour­ney here with this com­pli­men­ta­ry down­load and short video course. This infor­ma­tion will get you going and give you an idea of the jour­ney ahead.

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