Toronto 3 Day SMART Course — Live In Person Training Sponsored by the Automotive Aftermarket Retailers Of Ontario — Discounts for AARO Members Available

Jun 27 – 29, 2023 · 6AM – 2PM (PDT)

RPM SMART Course • Ser­vice Man­age­ment and Results Train­ing — The boot­camp of auto­mo­tive shop man­age­ment and ser­vice advi­sor training.

$1,699.00 / attendee

About this course

The RPM SMART Course is a unique blend of auto­mo­tive shop man­age­ment and ser­vice advi­sor train­ing. The course is designed for shop own­ers, ser­vice advi­sors, and tech­ni­cians. It teach­es the pri­ma­ry key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors and the sys­tems and pro­ce­dures required to achieve them. This course is the WHY, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, WHAT, and HOW of oper­at­ing a high per­for­mance and prof­itable auto­mo­tive repair shop.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to pro­vide bet­ter cus­tomer and use refer­rals to grow your business.
  • Adding one billed hour per tech­ni­cian per day will do a lot for your bot­tom line. Good com­mu­ni­ca­tion keeps clients happy
  • How to reduce your and your client’s stress and improve your profits.
  • Cus­tomer vehi­cles are com­plet­ed on time, help­ing us keep our commitments.
  • Have more cus­tomers want to pay for your ser­vices and under­stand and appre­ci­ate what they have spent their mon­ey on.
  • Improve over­all gross prof­it and net profit.
  • Team mem­bers will be able to use time wise­ly and bill cus­tomers fair­ly, keep­ing our ser­vice rates down.
  • Have con­fi­dence in charg­ing prop­er­ly for testing.
  • Be able to under­stand the best inspec­tion process and how it informs your clients’ decisions.
  • Be able to pre­book appoint­ments to help clients plan and bud­get, and even out the shop busi­ness cycles.
  • Clients feel like you have their best inter­ests at heart and keep being loyal.
  • Atten­dees will leave with action steps and com­mit­ments to implementation.
Dear­est Mur­ray, A huge thank-you for all that you have taught us over the past years. You have made a huge impact on Audrey’s Auto Repair — NAPA AUTO­PRO’s growth and pros­per­i­ty! Mur­ray, you real­ly have a gift of speak­ing one-on-one, in small groups and to large audi­ences as well. We have sure enjoyed all your class­es and time spent con­vers­ing at lunch­es, etc. The world is a bet­ter place with you teach­ing in it!! Thank-you again for help­ing our com­pa­ny grow as well as us as a team!!
Audrey G. & Tanya L.
Audrey's Auto Repair - Napa AutoPro

Murray Voth

About RPM Training

Let’s build the shop of your dreams!

Join me in the jour­ney to the results, per­for­mance, and mas­tery you have been look­ing for. You may have heard the expres­sion; it is all about the jour­ney and not the des­ti­na­tion. I think it is both. What is the des­ti­na­tion you have in mind? We can guide you in the jour­ney to that destination.

Learn more