NAPA Atlantic Sales Force Training September Session

Sept 11, 2023 – Sept 18, 2023

Auto­mo­tive Ser­vice Provider Sales and Prof­it Coaching

A course for Busi­ness Devel­op­ment and Sales Devel­op­ment Specialists

Adding Val­ue to the NAPA Auto Parts Sales Relationship

$0.00 / attendee

About this course

Learn­ing Outcomes

BDS and ADS team mem­bers will gain the tools and skills to work along­side a shop own­er and:

1) Help the own­er under­stand and ana­lyze cur­rent busi­ness key per­for­mance indicators

2) Coach the shop own­er in some basic process changes to improve profitability

3) Allow the NAPA team mem­ber to do a quick assess­ment of their sales poten­tial and imple­ment fur­ther plans to earn any busi­ness they don’t have already.

What you’ll learn

  • Results:
  • 1) Parts pur­chas­ing loy­al­ty will increase through the growth of the pro­fes­sion­al relationship.
  • 2) Costs to stores will be reduced because a well-man­aged shop esti­mates bet­ter, orders more effec­tive­ly and man­ages returns and cores better.
  • 3) This adds a lot of val­ue to the NAPA sales proposition.

Murray Voth

About RPM Training

Let’s build the shop of your dreams!

Join me in the jour­ney to the results, per­for­mance, and mas­tery you have been look­ing for. You may have heard the expres­sion; it is all about the jour­ney and not the des­ti­na­tion. I think it is both. What is the des­ti­na­tion you have in mind? We can guide you in the jour­ney to that destination.

Learn more